Mashitah Che Razali, Norhaliza Abdul Wahab, Noorhazirah Sunar, and Azavitra Zainal, Modelling and Control of Submerged Membrane Bioreactor Filtration Process Based on Feed-Forward Neural Network, the 14th Regional Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering 2021 (RC-EEE 2021), Bangkok, Thailand, pp 48-51, ISBN: 978-616-407-696-9. – PROCEEDING.
Azavitra Zainal, Norhaliza Abdul Wahab, Mohd Ismail Yusof, Mohd Aliff Afira Sani, pH Neutralization Plant Optimization Using Artificial Neural Network, 2nd International Conference on Advances in Intelligent Systems, Soft Computing and Optimization Techniques 2020 (ICAISCO 2020), Penang, Malaysia, 25 August 2020.
H. Husin, M. F. Rahmat, N. A. Wahab, M. F. M. Sabri and S Suhaili, Proportional-Integral Ammonium-based Aeration Control for Activated Sludge Process, 13th International UNIMAS Engineering Conference (ENCON 2020), 27-28 October 2020.
Ismail, H. Wahid, Norhaliza Abdul Wahab, Engaging Students with Effective Learning Through Inverse Teaching Method for System Modeling and Analysis Course, Proceeding of New Academia Learning Innovation Exhibition & Competition (NALI 2020), 7 December 2020, pp 118-120, ISBN: 9789672171317.
H. Husin, M. F. Rahmat, N. A. Wahab and M. F. M. Sabri, Neural Network Ammonia-Based Aeration Control for Activated Sludge Process Wastewater Treatment Plant, Proceedings of the 11th National Technical Seminar on Unmanned System Technology 2019, pp 471-487.
Irma Wani Jamaludin, Norhaliza Abdul Wahab and M.S. Gaya, Data- Driven Subspace Predictive Control for a MIMO System. The International Conference on Advanced Material Engineering & Technology (ICAMET 2013). 28 November 2013, Bandung, Indonesia.
Siti Nur Suhaila Mirin & Norhaliza Abdul Wahab, Fault detection and monitoring using multiscale PCA. 2013 IEEE 4th Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium, Aug. 19 – 20, UiTM, Shah Alam Malaysia.
Muhammad Sani Gaya, Norhaliza Abdul Wahab, Yahaya Md Sam, Aznah N. Anuar, Sharatul Izah Samsuddin. ANFIS Modelling of Carbon Removal in Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant. The 2nd International Conference on Advance Materials Design and Mechanics (ICAMDM2013). May 17-18, 2013.
S Sahlan, Norhuda, N A Wahab. Optimization tuning of PI controller of quadrupple tank process. 2013 Australian Control Conference (AUCC 2013), Perth, 4 November 2013.
Zuwairie Ibrahim, Ismail Ibrahim, Mohd Falfazli Mat Jusof, Faradila Naim, Mohd Zaidi Mohd Tumari, Muhammad Salihin Saealal, Nurul Wahidah Binti Arshad, Kamarul Hawari Ghazali, Zulkifli Md. Yusof, Kamal Khalil, Muhammad Arif Abdul Rahim, Norhaliza Abdul Wahab, Sophan Wahyudi Nawawi. A Study of the Contribution of Nearest-Neighbour Thermodynamic Parameters to the DNA Sequences Generated by Ant Colony Optimisation. The 5th International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (ICMIC 2013). Cairo, Egypt, 31 August 2013.
C. Razali, N.A. Wahab, P. Balaguer, M. F. Rahma, S. I. Samsudin. Multivariable PID Controllers for Dynamic Process, The 9th Asian Control Conference, ASCC 2013. 23-26 June 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.Muhammad Sani Gaya, A. Wahab, Y. M. Sam, S. I. Samsuddin. ANFIS Inverse Control of Dissolved oxygen in an Activated Sludge Process, 2013 IEEE 8th International Colloquium on Signal Processing and its Applications (CSPA 2013). art. no. 6530031, pp. 146-150, 8-10 March 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
N A Selamat, A. Wahab, S Sahlan, Particle Swarm Optimization for Multivariable PID Controller Tuning. 2013 IEEE 8th International Colloquium on Signal Processing and its Applications (CSPA 2013). art. no. 6530036, pp. 170-175, 8-10 March 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-146735609-1.Jamaludin, N. A. Wahab, N. S. Khalid, S Sahlan, Z. Ibrahim and M F. Rahmat. N4SID and MOESP Subspace Identification Methods. 2013 IEEE 8th International Colloquium on Signal Processing and its Applications (CSPA 2013). art. no. 6530030, pp. 140-145, 8-10 March 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Z. Mohamed & M. F. M. Ghazali, S. M. Idrus & N. A. Wahab. Optimization through Artificial Neural Network on a Programmable Logic Controller for A Sludge Drying Plant. 2013 IEEE 8th International Colloquium on Signal Processing and its Applications (CSPA 2013). pp. 103-105, 8-10 March 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
I. Samsudin, M. F. Rahmat, Norhaliza Abdul Wahab, Mashitah Che Razali, Muhammad Sani Gaya. A Study on Controller Design Strategies for TITO Plant. The 8th IEEE Conference On Industrial Electronics And Applications (ICIEA 2013). art. no. 6566398, pp. 376-380,19 – 21 June 2013, Melbourne, Australia. ISBN 978-146736321-1.
I. Samsudin, M. F. Rahmat, Norhaliza Abdul Wahab, Mashitah Che Razali, Muhammad Sani Gaya. Application of Adaptive Decentralized PI Controller for Activated Sludge Process. THE 8th IEEE Conference On Industrial Electronics And Applications. ICIEA 2013, art. no. 6566659, pp. 1792-1797,19 – 21 June 2013, Melbourne, Australia.
Z. Mohamed & M. F. M. Ghazali, S. M. Idrus & N. A. Wahab. Maximizing Output of A Sludge Drying Plant through Multiple Parameter Optimization. THE 8th IEEE Conference On Industrial Electronics And Applications. art. no. 6566650, pp. 1745-1748, 19 – 21 June 2013, Melbourne, Australia.
Huong Pei Choo, Shafishuhaza Sahlan, Rickey Ting Peng Eek & Norhaliza Abdul Wahab. Self-tuning PID Controller for Activated Sludge System. THE 8th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics And Applications. no. 6566333, pp. 16-21, 19 – 21 June 2013, Melbourne, Australia.
S Sahlan, Norhaliza Abdul Wahab & Intan Z. Mad Darus. Results on Frequency Weighted Model Reduction Techniques of Activated Sludge Process. Proceedings – UKSim 15th International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation, UKSim 2013, art. no. 6527411, pp. 172-176. Cambridge; United Kingdom; 10 April 2013 through 12 April 2013. ISBN 978-076954994-1.
Norhaliza Abdul Wahab. Muhammad Sani Gaya, Yahaya Md Sam, Ulf Jeppsson, Reza Katebi, (Feb 2012). A LabVIEW-based Simulator for the Activated Sludge Process, 7th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD 2012), Refereed Proceeding.
I Shamsudin, M.F. Rahmat, N.A. Wahab, Zulfatman, S. N. S. Mirin, (2012). Two-time Scales Matrix Decomposition for Wastewater Treatment Plant, 2012 IEEE 8th International Colloquium on Signal Processing and its Applications (CSPA2012), art. no. 6194747, pp. 347-351, SCOPUS indexed.
Z. Mohamed, S M Idrus, N A Wahab, M. F. M. Ghazali (2012). Processing Capability Improvement through Parameter Optimization of A Sludge Drying Plant, IEEE Conference on Control, System and Industrial Informatics, Bandung (Sept 2012), pp 26-29.
I W Jamaluddin, Norhaliza Abdul Wahab, M F Rahmat, S Sahlan (2012). Online Subspace Identification Methods for MIMO Model, IEEE Conference on Control, System and Industrial Informatics, Bandung (Sept 2012), pp 22-25.
Rickey, S Sahlan, N A Wahab (2012), Modeling of Wastewater Treatment Plant via System ID and Model Reduction Technique, IEEE Conference on Control, System and Industrial Informatics Bandung (2012), pp 131-136.
Pei Choo, S Sahlan, N A Wahab (2012) System Identification of Activated Sludge Process, IEEE Conference on Control, System and Industrial Informatics Bandung (2012), pp 137-140.
Muhammad Sani Gaya, Norhaliza Abdul Wahab, Yahaya Md Sam, Mashitah Che Razali, Sharatul Izah Samsuddin (Nov 2012). Neuro-Fuzzy Modelling of Wastewater Treatment System (2012), IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering ICCSCE 2012, Penang. ISBN: 978-146733143-2.
Mashitah Che Razali, Norhaliza Abdul Wahab, M. F. Rahmat (2012). Comparative Study of Static vs Dynamic Control for Multivariable PID. IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering ICCSCE 2012, Penang.
I. Samsudin, M. F. Rahmat, Norhaliza Abdul Wahab, Mashitah Che Razali, Muhamad Sani Gaya, Sy Najib Sy Salim (2012). A Self-tuning Decentralized PI Control for Multivariable Plant. IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering ICCSCE 2012, Penang.
Shafishuhaza Sahlan, Mashitah Shikh Maidin and Norhaliza Abdul Wahab, (2011), Least Square Application on Frequency Weighted Model Reduction Technique, International Conference on Modeling, Simualtion and Applied Optimization (ICMSAO), DOI: 10.1109/ICMSAO.2011.5775493 (Scopus Indexed).
N A Wahab, J Balderud and M R Katebi (2008). Data driven adaptive model predictive control with constraint. In Proc. of 20th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium (Simulation in Industry). 17-19 September. Briatico – Italy.
P Balaguer, N A Wahab, M R Katebi and R Vilanova (2008). Multivariable PID control tuning: A controller validation approach. In Proc. of 13th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation ETFA 2008. 15-18 September. Hamburg – Germany. – REFEREED PROCEEDING.
N A Wahab, M R Katebi and J Balderud (2007). Multivariable PID control design for wastewater system. In Proc. of the 15th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation – MED 2007. 27-29 June. Athens – Greece. – REFEREED PROCEEDING.
Muhammad Sani Gaya, Norhaliza Abdul Wahab, Yahaya Md Sam, Sharatul Izah Samsudin, (May 2012). Particle Swarm Optimization Based Linear Quadratic Regulator for Activated Sludge Process, International Conference on Agricultural, Food and Biological Engineering, China (ICAFBE 2012)
N.S. Mirin, N.A. Wahab, S. Sahlan, M. F Rahmat (2012). Design of a Simulator for the Activated Sludge Wastewater System using PI Controller. The International Conference nn Water Resources (ICWR 2012), Langkawi.
S Gaya, N. A Wahab, Y.M Sam, A. N. Anuar, S.I Samsudin (2012). Optimal controller design for dissolved oxygen control in an activated sludge wastewater treatment system. The International Conference on Water Resources (ICWR 2012), Langkawi.
N A Wahab, M R Katebi and J Balderud (2008). Data driven direct adaptive model based predictive control. In Proc. of the International Conference Control UKACC 2008. 2-4 September. Manchester – UK.
N A Wahab, M R Katebi and J Balderud (2006). Multivariable PID tuning of activated sludge processes. In Proc. of the International Conference Control UKACC 2006, 30 August-1 September. Glasgow – UK
M F Rahmat and N A Wahab (2001). Supervisory control approach towards controlling a hot air blower system. In Proc. of the SCOReD Conference. Kuala Lumpur.